
In October 2015 the Victorian Parliament passed the ‘No-Jab-No-Play’ legislation. The legislation will commence on 1 January 2016.

No-Jab-No-Play Information For Parents       Australian Government Website 

From the date the legislation commences, all children enrolling in early childhood education and care services will need to be up to date with the vaccinations or have an approved exemption. Enrolments that are confirmed in writing by your service before 1 January 2016 will not be impacted by the legislation.

The best advice for families who will be finalising enrolments after the legislation comes into effect is to ensure that your child’s vaccinations are up to date.

As Attwood House provides a range of Early Childhood Education and Care Services we are bound to comply with this legislation as of 1 January 2016.

If you would like to discuss the introduction of this legislation and how it effects your family please do not hesitate to speak to our staff here at Attwood House or call us on 9302 2643 or email to

Better Health ChannelClick on Icon For General Information on Immunisation for the whole family